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Monday, December 14, 2015

Bumblebee Pooh!

Bumblebee Pooh is back! He came out last year after I first started playing Tsum Tsum for a couple of months. I luckily did get him during the lucky time, on the last day of the lucky time. Phew!

Anyhow, his skill is quite powerful if you are quick enough. =) Skill 1 is pretty powerful already. In general, he's a great Tsum to use to get more coins. His ability is to stop time for at least 4 seconds, in which time all the chains that you link up (same tsums, so not like Repunzel) will become one massive chain when time is up.

For example, if you had Bumblebee Pooh, Anna, Piglet, Eeyore, and Mickey in your game. Once you are able to activate Bumblebee Pooh (skill is activated after clearing 15 Bumblebee Poohs), time freezes and all the tsums stop moving and falling. During this time, link up all the Annas together, the Piglets together, the Eeyores together, the Mickeys together and Bumblebee Poohs together. Although it may be 5 separate chains, when time is up and the game is back in motion, ALL Five chains become ONE giant chain in which case you can clear up to 37 tsums in one go. It's pretty powerful stuff. =)

Hint to helping you clear most of your screen: Make a bubble during your game play, and once you activate Bumblebee Pooh's skill, "pop" the bubble by tapping on it and it automatically clears a circumference around the bubble, leaving you with a smaller area left that needs to be cleared. This was how I manage to get 1300 coins in one round, without using bonuses. =)

Happy Tsuming! Good luck! This Lucky Time ends on Dec 16th at 11:59pm, at which point when midnight strikes and it's Dec 17th, the Second Christmas Ornament card comes out!! Exciting times! =)


  1. when the skill is being activated, does it require more pooh tsums to activate the skill? :o

  2. Hi Aaron, Bumblebee Pooh's skill is to stop time, just like the White Rabbit tsum tsum. Once you activate his skill (by clearing 15 Bumblebee Poohs), it stops time for at least 4 seconds and more if you skilled him up (aka getting duplicate boxes of Bumblebee Pooh). Hope this answers your question!

    Bunny Pooh is the one where it requires you to clear tsums after activating his power to be able to finish using his skill.

    Here are some YouTube videos I found from Seiji that may be able to help. =)

    Bumblebee Pooh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmBF1iV-WKE

    Bunny Pooh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHz5gdb5T0s

    Bunny Tigger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFPtFBZnFe8

    Rabbit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTEBCvmfcFU

  3. Let me know if you have any further questions and I will try my best to answer them. =) Thanks for reading!


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